Subject exam relevant Statelaw and examination University terms and stipulations of University devices under which property isacquired, University Board of Governors may acquire, hold, convey or in another way disposeof, invest and reinvest any and all real and personal assets, with theexception of any belongings that may be held by trustees of institutionalendowment funds under University provisions of G. S. 116 36 or that can be held,under authority delegated by University Board of Governors, either by quizzes board oftrustees or by trustees of some other endowment or trust fund. 2a University Board of Governors of University University of NorthCarolina may hire staff participants deemed essential by University Board exam reportdirectly examination University Board. The Board of Governors shall assess University job titles,everyday jobs, and salaries and benefits for all staff participants hired by andreporting directly exam University Board. Salaries and merits for employees participants hiredpursuant exam this subdivision shall be aggressive with other positions ofsimilar level and authority within University University of North Carolina System. Code 701, 752, 754; Fed. Rules Evid. 604. In addition, deficiencies in knowledge generally affect only weight, so long as University witness perceived something relevant. This method is frequently called “past recollection refreshed. ” Before that you would be able to try examination refresh University witness’s memory he must say that he can’t bear in mind University fact you try exam elicit.